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Lash Tutorial - Lash Sliders

Lash Tutorial - Lash Sliders

Who is ready for some lash sliders top tips? Watch today's videos which includes 4 easy to try tips that are more than likely causing problems with retention during application.. Of course there are other contributors such as humidity, glue amounts & placement but if you feel you have these boxes ticked then try some of these tips!

1. Shake your glue & reapply your glue blob.. This may sound easy - but sometimes we don't realise we haven't shaken the glue enough, causing an uneven distribution of the vital ingredients in the adhesive to bond to the natural lashes.

2. The lashes aren't clean.. STOP and re-shampoo the lashes to ensure the lashes are super clean & there are no barriers of product etc stopping the lashes adhering to the natural lash.

3. Lash Prime.. Did you prime correctly? I occasionally have clients who experience oiler skin times in the month & this can have a deprimental effect on the lashes.. ensure those lashes are mattified with your primer thoroughly.

4. Technique.. If you're using a faster setting glue, have you considered that it could be setting prior to applying to the lash? Switch around your technique to ensure the glue is setting at the right time - as you apply to the lash.

Hope this helps & has given you some things to consider & will help your lashing in some way. Remember if something's not going right during application - there is a reason for it! Don't forget to save this video for later reference! Happy weekend, happy Lashing! See you next week! B ❤️ #lashes #lashtutorial #fluffyfridays #fastdryingglue #lashlife #learnlashes #lashtech #lockdownlearning #lockdownlashing #lashupskill