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Lash Tutorial - Lash Direction

Lash Tutorial - Lash Direction

So in this week's tutorial, I have looked at direction.. Something that can really impact how the lashes appear. So I've put today's vid as a more advanced tutorial as I think it's important to get other things perfected 1st, however lash direction is always something to bear in mind when learning lash techniques. Lashes that face the same direction in their fan will give a more uniformed appearance. Lashes that face different direction will give a more fluffy/textured appearance.

There is no particular right or wrong way to apply, even though some educators will say so, in my opinion - it's preference, or even better - learn how to apply uniformed & textured lashes to give your clients the choice! Personally I think you can never stop learning with lashes & this is just one of the more advanced things you can look at to create different looks. Once you have really mastered your fanning techniques & have full control over your tweezers - you will find this easy, so make sure you feel confident in the basics 1st. Top tips for looking at & perfecting your direction:

❤️Fanning technique, if you have a couple of different fanning techniques, you will probably already know that 1 creates more uniformed & 1 more textured. Put these techniques into play when you're focusing on direction & check out the difference in appearance.

❤️Tweezer control, if you have an all time fave fanning technique & you know exactly how to work your tweezers to create different fans, use your expertise to focus now on direction.

❤️Fan width This is probably the easiest one. Generally a wide fan will give a textured (none uniformed) appearance & a narrow fan will give a more uniformed appearance, however it is not always the case, we can still provide a wide uniformed fan - it's just much harder! So can width is a good starting point but try the other two tips 1st as a focus as fan width is something else you can look at to perfect.

That's all for this week!