Hey all, I thought I would dedicate this series to one of the most important things of all when lashing & that is of course THE LASH!
One thing we can quite easily by-pass is how much actually goes into these wonderful designs & quite often as a lash technician it can be our downfall to not recognise this. After all where credit is due, they are the main product we use & without them, where would we be?
After years of continuous research (that is still on going!) I wanted to share with you a few things to look out for & hopefully a few tips that will hopefully help your lashing life in anyway possible…
First things first.. COST.. Since I began lashing in 2006 the great news is that lashes have come down in price (A LOT) with lots of brand options, retailers/wholesalers have lowered their prices to stay competitive. You can expect to pay anything from £5 a tray to over £20. Obviously quality will differ between these prices, so depending on your clientele, stock your lashes accordingly. My ladies are all for the quality aspect so that is what I seek when looking & researching different lashes. Another thing to consider is; how many lashes you are getting in your trays? Cheaper trays quite possibly contain less – usually 8-16 strips are found per tray. Ours of course contain 16 strips of luxury lashes but I am a little biased 😊 Russian strips usually contain around 500 lashes per strip & classic trays are usually around 150, so you will naturally pay more for your Russian trays.
So if you’re ladies are like mine & are wanting a good quality lash, check out how they look & feel. Are the lashes neatly compressed into their sticky strip or do they look like they’ve been to Ibiza for too long? (Ps I love Ibiza but anyone looks crazy after too much sun & alcohol!) Are they consistent? Does the curl & length appear as it should? We all want a bargain & you certainly get what you pay for, so watch out for prices that seem to good to be true.
Just a personal favourite touch that I like to see, if you’re lash pallet looks anything like mine – these numbers are a God send!
We could kinda’ include this under quality but for me it deserves its own title. I’m not a fan (pun intended) of a super shiny lash.. matt all the way! However I know this isn’t everyone’s cuppa. However, some I have seen are practically glitter, which in my opinion looks too plasticy... Don’t get me wrong all lashes are a synthetic and even in terms such as faux/mink (matt finish) & silk (gloss finish) only refer to their shine and not their full material make up as such. I say this lightly as I was shocked to find our that some suppliers do supply, let’s just say, less synthetic products to other countries but generally you don’t find such lashes in the UK, Thank God!
This is extremely important when it comes to your Russian strips & something that is easily missed! Once you become aware of the amazing “sticky strip” it will have the most amazing, positive effects on your lashing. Generally the “sticky strip” will range from 1.5-3mm & is the all important piece of the puzzle that holds your lashes on to the strip.. (it’s the strip, on the strip!) Depending on your favourite fanning technique the “sticky strip” can massively effect how the lashes come off the strip. (This may make more sense in some of our later videos.) If I’ve lost you already, apologies, look at your “sticky strip” when choosing your lash trays. In most cases the smaller the “sticky strip” the easier to fan!
Last but not least & a pet hate of mine; curl, in a nut shell – cheap lashes don’t hold their curl! Unfortunately this is something you only discover when working with them.. The easiest way to check curl quality is to compare your lash curls during an infill, a good quality lash will still hold the same curl! Generally all lashes are made the same way; compressed & set into their desired curl but quite often cheaper lashes are made from cheaper products, hence the poor holding of the curl.
I hope you have enjoyed reading our lash series & that it may of enlightened you in some way.. Any questions feel free to give us a shout at Don't forget of course to check out our range of beautiful Russian lashes, Classic trays & sale items too!