Thinking of leaving your salon?

Thinking of leaving your salon?

So you are getting itchy feet in your current job & thinking of giving it a whirl on your own?  Here is a quick go to guide to help you decide if your ready to take the plunge!

Firstly ask yourself what is making you want to make the change?  Is it something that will make you happier & why?  For example, if you hate the late nights & demanding clients, this is not going to change when you are running your own business!  Starting your own business takes a lot of effort – make sure it is what you want your end goal to be.

Secondly, be prepared to make a loss at the start.  Yes becoming self-employed is definitely is a great way to earn lots of money but sometimes it takes time to build your client base.  You may look at what you could earn yourself from your current column but its always best to prepare for the worst.

Thirdly, don’t assume all your clients will follow you.  When it comes to clients – you will always have your die hard regulars, who would follow you across the country!  But there are also clients who visit you, where you are because they like it or it is convenient to them.  Never pressure the client to follow you, if they want you.. they will find you.

Lastly, expect to graft.  Working for yourself isn’t easy, especially at the start.. expect unsociable hours & annoying cancellations!  It is most definitely worth it in the end but you got to work yourself to a place you want to be.

So.. If I didn’t put you off, it may be ready.. One last thing to consider - your relationship with your employer!

I hear time & time again about fall outs & disagreements & don’t get me wrong sometimes it is unavoidable BUT unless you have a poor relationship with your manager or employer, have you considered one thing?  They have been in the exact position you are now in!  Sometimes things can remain amicable & open if you are just honest about your intentions.  Consider that your employer has started with nothing, built up a good client base & spent lots of time & effort on your training & has helped you to get where you are now!  Don’t get me wrong if you plan to contact all of your clients for them to follow you.. then things can get nasty.  I have always promoted to allow the client to make the choice themselves, with social media these days no one is hard to find!  If you are good at what you do, don’t stress too much & start to build your own healthy client base.. that way it feels much more rewarding, plus any clients that do follow you are an added bonus!  I always encourage people to respect their employers wishes & that way a happy healthy relationship is much more likely to happen, you are 10 times more likely to be given your certificates, plus you never know if things don’t work out you may appreciate the option to go back.

Hope this helps you in someway 😊 GOOD LUCK

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